ApplePay API
Notify Card
Notification API :
Description : This endpoint is used to notify customer regarding card updates.
Notifications for the card will be triggered from Thales (D1). Mulesoft will receive the request and map the request as per CMS and hit Notification API with cardId. Response is sent to D1 by Mulesoft in real-time basis from CMS. If transaction fails due to any reason, a proper error is sent back to the API consuming channel to both REST using the error codes defined.
Mulesoft Request (Sample):
Mandatory Headers: x-correlation-id
URI Params: issuerId, cardId
Query Params: NA
Content-Type : application/json
Request Body:
"operationId": "XYZ123948DHASJS383NSJD93439DSNDS834SMNDS99934343",
"operation": "DIGITIZE",
"digitalCardIds": [
"status": "SUCCESSFUL"
Allowed Values - Request:
operation: DIGITIZE
Mulesoft Response (Sample):
Success Response: (204)
“ ”
Error Codes:
400, 404, 500
"error": "Invalid Card Status"
“ ”